ALTAR SERVERS They are our young volunteers who assist the priest in leading our parish in worship at liturgies, in particular serving at the altar at the weekend Masses. They are generally aged from Year 4 through to late High School. We encourage volunteers for the following Masses for Guardian Angels Church: Sat 6pm, Sun 7am, 9am & 5pm
APOSTOLIC ACTION GROUP This group meets monthly with a mission of building community. There are people all around us in Wynnum looking for a spiritual home - we intend to help them find it by reaching out to Catholics and the wider community, offering support and care for those in need, and bringing people to Christ one at a time. We are currently exploring practical ways to do this; engaging with youth in parish activities, visiting aged care facilities, and working alongside existing agencies to help the lonely, sick and vulnerable.
BAPTISM PREPARATION CATECHISTS This group comprises volunteers who lead a preparation session instructing the parents of children who will soon be baptised, teaching them about the Sacrament of Baptism. Sessions are held at 3pm every 3rd Sunday of the month.
BIBLE STUDY GROUPS These groups journey together through particular books of the Bible using both video and booklet resources produced by renowned Scripture scholar Jeff Cavins. It’s a great way to delve into the mystery of the Word of God and deepen your relationship with God and with the others in your Bible Study group
CAPUCHIN FRANCISCAN FRIARS Our Guardian Angels Parish has been in the pastoral care of the Capuchin Friars since 1945. The Capuchins are the fourth largest men’s religious Order in the Catholic Church with about 10,000 friars (brothers) throughout the world. The Order was approved in 1528 and is a reform of the Franciscans. The word “Capuchin” is the English form of “Cappuccino” which is the name of the Order in Italian—originally a nickname given to the friars, meaning “little hooded ones” after the distinctive long hoods that form part of the brown religious habit.
CHOIRS The choirs at Mass enriches our liturgy and helps lead our worship of God. Kindly contact the Parish Office if you are interested in volunteering to join the choir in any of the following Masses at Guardian Angels Church: Saturday 6pm; Sunday 7am; Sunday 9am and Sunday 5pm
CURSILLO MOVEMENT The Cursillo Movement has been active in the Wynnum Parish since the first Brisbane Archdiocesan 3-day retreat was held at St Lawrence Friary on 7 June 1968. It gives participants the opportunity to experience Christian life during a three day live-in retreat. It also offers ongoing support to live a Christian life at home, at work, at leisure or whatever other pursuits participants may have.
DIVINE MERCY PRAYER GROUP This prayer group meets every Friday at 12:30pm in the church to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet as well as the Rosary and other prayers. It is formed by parishioners with a great devotion to the Divine Mercy and is inspired by the writings of St. Faustina Kowalska about Jesus’ simple message: God loves us - all of us. He wants us to recognise that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. Thus, all will come to share His joy.
EVANGELISATION GROUP Pope Francis encourages us to take seriously that, as sons and daughters through Baptism, we are ALL missionaries. He says “I am a mission on this earth: that is the reason I am here in this world. We have to regard ourselves as sealed, even branded, by the mission of bringing light, blessing, enlivening, raising up, healing and freeing” (Evangelii Gaudium 273). The Evangelisation Group seeks to respond to this encouraging, inspirational pronouncement of Pope Francis. We meet usually monthly to discuss methods of enabling people to encounter the Risen Jesus and to become His disciple. In the words of Fr. Ken Barker MGL: “Go Set the World on Fire” & “When we have fallen in love with Jesus, how could we keep such Good News to ourselves?”
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Volunteers with special delegation from the Archbishop of Brisbane assist the priest during Holy Communion at Mass, and taking Holy Communion to the housebound in the parish.
FINANCE COUNCIL Composed of volunteers who assist the parish in financial planning and proper administration of the parish resources. Kindly contact the parish office if you are interested in enrolling in the Planned Giving Envelope System, Direct Debit donation system or download the Parish Giving App from Apple Store or Google Play. KNIGHTS OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS The Knights of the Southern Cross is an Australian Order within a worldwide Order of Catholic lay men. KSC was instituted in 1919 to improve the status of the Catholic community within the Australian society. The Wynnum/Manly branch received its charter in August 1944 and has been active ever since. The motto of the order is ‘Service and Christianity’
LECTORS Volunteer proclaimers of the Word of God (First Reading, Responsorial Psalm, Second Reading and the Universal Prayer) during Mass.
LIGHT ON THE HILL This charismatic prayer group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at 10.30am in the Parish Centre. The mission of Catholic Charismatic Renewal is to invite all people to experience the Holy Spirit, who opens us to a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ and the Love of the Father. The Holy Spirit empowers us for personal holiness, a renewed Catholic life and Evangelization.
MAJELLAN GROUP The Majellan group offers friendship, spiritual and social support for all women. The first meeting was held in this parish in 1971 for mothers with young children under the auspices of Saint Gerard Majella, the “Mothers’ Saint”. Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. All women are welcome to attend. Contact the parish office for further information.
MUSIC MINISTRY Kindly contact the parish office if you are interested in volunteering as an Organist or Guitarist or with another musical instrument – or to be part of our Music Action Group in the parish that is looking to kick-start musical initiatives in our parish community.
NEO-CATECHUMENAL WAY The Neo-catechumenal Way began in the Parish in July 1982 with the formation of a community of 48 people. The Way was approved by Pope John Paul II and is based on three key points: The Liturgy, The Word and Community. It is open to all who want to enter and there are five communities in the Parish which meet weekly for celebrations and liturgies.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Composed of parishioners who look to the well-running of the Parish
PRAYER CIRCLE Individuals that are connected and praying for intentions from their own homes.
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS - RCIA The RCIA is a program of accompaniment & instruction that prepares adults to learn more about the Catholic faith and become a member of the Catholic Church. It runs from late August until Easter each year. Please contact the parish office if you are interested in finding out more about becoming Catholic, or if you are a parishioner would like to be involved in accompanying and/or helping with the instruction of those who are undertaking the journey.
SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM CATECHISTS A group of volunteers prepare the children of the parish for the sacraments of Confirmation, Holy Communion & Penance. The volunteers teach the children a session each week over 3-4 weeks before the reception of the particular sacrament.
SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN & VULNERABLE ADULTS COMMITTEE The Archdiocese of Brisbane holds that children, young people and vulnerable adults are a gift from God with an intrinsic right to dignity of life, respect and security from physical and emotional harm. Our committee looks to ensure safeguarding compliance and best practice.
SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER The Third Order of St Francis is now known as The Secular Franciscan Order. The Order first came to Guardian Angels in 1951. The aim of members is to live the Gospel life in the manner of St Francis, praying and doing works of charity.
SOCIAL GROUP Recently began to connect people after COVID isolation. They meet for coffee on Monday and Thursday mornings and solve all of the problems of the world. Contact the parish office for more information.
ST VINCENT DE PAUL The Society of St Vincent de Paul looks to care for the poor and disadvantaged in our area. The volunteers are part of a conference that meets once a month in the Parish Centre and they go out each week to visit the homes of those who have requested assistance. Our Wynnum conference was founded in the parish in 1923.
WELCOMING GROUP This group consists of those in the parish who greet parishioners as they arrive for Mass on the weekends, providing a warm welcome to help us achieve our parish vision. They distribute Parish Information Packs to anyone who is new. They also serve Morning Tea and Coffee after the 9am Mass and look to organise occasional social events for the parish.
YOUTH MINISTRY GROUP This group meets to formulate and implement initiatives in the parish for children, youth and young people. They organise social, educational, and spiritual events with parents and volunteers to engage and deepen the faith of pre-school kids, children, teens and young adults to draw them into the life and mission of the parish. They run the Children’s Liturgy of the Word.
ZUMBA A faith-based social women’s group that gathers on Friday afternoons and uses dance as exercise to bond their community together. They also meet in each other’s homes for prayer and gather for special social occasions.