When you first look at the Artwork created by Mardi Kearney, you see a series of waves. The waves represent the forever changing world and the renewal that the waters bring. It brings life in abundance as shown in the mural. You see the birds swooping and the fish in the sea. You see the coral, shells and sea life. In the mosaic, there are various symbols of our Parish life, with the first being the Tau Cross of St. Francis of Assisi. We then move to the Parish Logo, which has three parts to it, the anchor which represents the faith that holds us firm within our Church, then the life ring which is the symbol of hope. Should we ever find ourselves adrift, the life ring of hope will support us until we are once again united with God. Inside the life ring is the Franciscan Symbol of three parts: the cross of Christ with the hand of St. Francis and the hand of the Priests that serve the people. We then move to the next wave, where there are four dishes. The four dishes represent the four corners of the world where our Church provides the hand of friendship to feed the flock, for all races and colours, without discrimination. As we move across the driveway, again we have a cresting wave and, in that wave, we have our Bayside Parish with the people gathering to meet, to celebrate the bond we have with each other and our Church. The Priest is waiting at the door to welcome the community and the strangers who will soon be friends. The three lines of Guardian Angels Parish change from top to bottom from light to dark showing that the day does not end, we start from sunrise to the dark of the evening.